Pour Over

A Guide to Brewing the Perfect Cup

An Introduction

Pour over coffee is coffee brewed by pouring hot water through a strainer containing grounds directly into a cup or carafe. These coffee makers are far less expensive than traditional drip coffee makers, last longer, and produce higher-quality coffee.

As always, be sure to read the directions that come with your equipment carefully as the brewing steps may differ from brand to brand.

What you’ll Need

Pour Over Coffee Maker
Burr Grinder (Optional)

Brew Time

5 min

Step 1

Heat water in a kettle to 200°F. Use one quart of water for every two ounces of coffee.

Step 2

Using a Burr Grinder (or whichever grinder you prefer), grind the coffee to a coarseness appropriate for your filter. This may be stated by the manufacturer, but it also depends on the type of filter you’re using. There are (3) different types of filters you can use with the Cold Brew Method…. paper, metal or plastic.

Step 3

Place the filter in the cone of the brewer. If you’re using a cloth or paper filter, rinse the filter with water first. You can do this while the filter is in the cone to help the cone reach a temperature closer to that of the brewing water. Pour out any water in the cup or carafe.

Step 4

Measure the ground coffee into the filter.

Pour a small amount of water over the grounds. Make sure the grounds are evenly damp. Wait for 30 seconds.

Step 5

Pour the rest of the hot water over the grounds. Pour it at the desired speed until your brew is complete.

Though making pour over coffee can take some time to perfect, you don’t need to worry about different brewing modes or plugging your coffee maker into the wall.





PO Box 5273
Shreveport, LA 71135